Tuesday, August 13, 2013

To the market... or so we thought!

On Sunday, the four of us who live in the same apartment building, took a trip to La Marsa market.  Or so that was our plan!  When we got into the taxi, we realized he did not know English and we did not know the French word for market so we did our best.  He ended up dropping us off in La Marsa but there was no market to be found.  We knew we had to be close so we got off and walked around. First thing we found was the gorgeous Mediterranean Sea! 

Nadia is a great poser!

We had to put our toes in it of course!

We continued to walk and found this cute outdoor cafe where we got expressos and water.

Abby, Laura, Nadia

We asked someone at the cafe where the market was and we headed down there but realized he was sending us to the Monoprix (grocery store).  We decided to go ahead and pick up some things we needed.  We continued to ask for help to the market but continued to come up empty handed.  So we headed back to our apartments but enjoying our morning of venturing out in La Marsa. 

Later that afternoon, we went shopping with a group from school.  We realized we were back in the same area from that morning.  We asked Susan (director of curriculum) to show us where it was.  And... we walked RIGHT past it.  We even saw the "Fresh Fish" sign Laura commented on this am.  Oh gracious us!!

There are street cats ALL over Tunis!  They are very sweet and harmless... just looking for food.  Well I have found them very cute and thought I'd share some of my pictures with you. 

Thank you so much for all of your comments!  It means so much to me to hear from you and know you are reading!  I have not taken anymore pictures since this because I have been in my classroom most of the time but I hope to do a post with a tour of my apartment and classroom very soon!  Dad is also doing a post on a tour he went on while I was at work.  He had a blast!  Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the pictures! So glad you are learning your way around. The kittens are so cute! Miss you sweet Elise!
