Thursday, October 9, 2014

Matters of the Heart

As I am typing this, I was sitting in the exact spot a week ago today Skyping with my family.  I thought it was just a normal Skype with my mom, dad, and brother.  It was full of normalcy... ADHD conversations, randomness, and technological problems.  Then my mom said she needed to talk seriously to me.  She proceeded to tell me how after my routine MRI in August, my cardiologist tried to get a hold of my mom.  She finally did and told her my aorta has become thickened and needs to be replaced sooner than later.  They wanted me to the have the surgery close to my next big break which is Winter Break. They were thinking late November, early December.  My mom was telling me I was going to be having another open heart surgery in 8 weeks.  Open Heart Surgery.  My heart sank and I cried. I have been through two open heart surgeries and I know they are no walk in the park.  I didn't want to do it again and so soon! I knew there would be a chance of another one but we would tell as time went on if my valve needed to be replaced again.  Not my aorta! What was going on? This is not suppose to be happening! I live in Tunisia with 17 three and four year olds who need and depend on me! I can't leave them! I can't have another open heart surgery! I was shocked and numb! I am so grateful to have the best cardiologist from Duke (she is seriously the top of the top) who talked to me on the phone to go through what is going on and what I need to do and not do.  I am slowly telling people but am so grateful to have my close friends here who have been great listeners and friends to cry with! Laura (my bff here) just sat with me on the phone and we cried together.  I needed that and I need friends like her here! My school is supportive of my leave of absence and of me.  My friends back in the states have been hopeful and full of prayer.  I am not ready for this but I pray as time gets closer I can feel more ready.  I will continue to keep you posted on things as time goes on but no worries, I will do my best to not make this a blog about heart surgery! Life will still go on... I am flying to Portugal for a week on Saturday with my Aunt Jeanne and friend Patti.  And I will post about all life here! Thanks for the prayers and love to you all!

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