Monday, June 22, 2015


I have arrived back in the states! I flew in Monday evening and I am not going to lie, it was a long day! Prayerfully, everything went smoothly and really had not issues but flying out of Tunis airport at 2am and landing in NC at 7:30pm (12:30am in Tunis which makes for a 22 hour day) was exhausting! I did sleep a good bit on the long flight and Zoe did awesome on the planes! So for that I was grateful! I am still catching up on sleep and can be a beast at night but I am grateful to be home!

From Tunis to Frankfurt, I flew with several people from ACST. I got to hang out with Laura and Jeff and the Harrisons in the Frankfurt airport during our 5 hour layover! It sure was nice to be with friends during a long layover! We walked around and shopped, ate a pretzel and drank beer. It was a lot of fun with friends. 

Then the inevtiable happened. Something I have been dreading for the past 9 months. I had to say goodbye to my dear and best friend in Tunisia, Laura and her boyfriend Jeff. They are moving to Houston to live. Since they flew out before me, I was able to walk them to their gate and see them off. It was so hard to say goodbye to such a dear friend. She is "my person". The one I go to to share exciting news with (Stitch Fix, clearance to go back to Tunisia), when I am scared or don't feel safe (guys following me while walking the dog, car won't start), and when I have sad news to share (open heart surgery- she cried with me on the phone and sat with me to take 5 pages of notes during my conference call with my surgeon). She is my rock and I don't know what I am going to do without her. Life is always fun with her! I am very thankful for technology so we can keep in touch!

 After our goodbyes, Zoe and I boarded the plane to head to DC! Our flight was uneventful and we were both able to sleep some which was much needed!

We arrived in DC and made it through customs easily! We then bee-lined for the indoor dog park so Zoe could go to the bathroom! Thank goodness for the dog park and it being right across from our gate!

We survived yet another 5 hour layover and eventually landed in RDU! Oh it is good to be home!

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