Monday, June 8, 2015

6 months!

Today marks 6 months since my open heart surgery! It is my 6 month anniversary and I am grateful to have made it this far out! I am also beyond grateful to have survived the surgery and flourished greatly! I have been back in Tunisia teaching and living full steam ahead. I am blessed! But I would be lying, if I said it has been as easy as I imagined. I thought I would come back to Tunisia and everything would just go back to how it was before I left. But recovery has been slooow (well... slow in my eyes- everyone else around me thinks this is all normal). Going up a flight of stairs nearly kills me and I can only run around and play with my students for half a second before my whole body starts screaming at me. But my mom said it takes a year... I thought my cardiologist said 6 months... I guess I heard what I wanted to hear.

But I am so proud I am doing better! I am now swimming 35 minutes without any problems! I can survive a school day (as much as a normal person can with 18 three to five year olds). I can spend quality time with my friends which means a lot! My friends have been amazing here and super encouraging! I wasn't sure how they would be since they did not see me at my lowest but they are constantly telling me to take it easy, carrying things for me, stopping me (as much as they can) from over doing it and slowing climbing the 4 flights of stairs with me up to the admin offices. They are a very supportive bunch! 

Tonight I went out to dinner with my closest friends who helped me through these past 6 months (missed you Wongs). It was a wonderful dinner (love, love, love this restaurant) with great conversation! We had a blast! I am grateful to celebrate with my friends!

Thanks to all of you for helping me through these past 6 months! I could not have done it without you! Love to you all!

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