Monday, March 31, 2014

Nabeul and Korba

Mom and Dad arrived Saturday at noon!  They are in Tunisia with me!!!  I have missed them greatly and am loving to spend this time with them!  As soon as I picked them up from airport, we headed to Nabuel (the pottery capital of Tunisia). 

We stopped for lunch and had a Tunisian staple: brik (crispy fried with egg, tuna, and spices)

Then we walked around Nabuel and found some blue doors!

A mosque

Then we headed to the medina in Nabuel (an outdoor market)

The big pot in the middle of the city center of Nabuel

We then left Nabuel and headed to our hotel in Korba: Africa Jade

We checked into our room and headed straight to the Mediterranean Sea

Mom didn't go out for fear of getting sand in her shoes... oh goodness!

Mom and Dad in the hotel lobby after dinner


  1. Looks like you are all having a wonderful time!!! So happy for you all being together ...and we just got to Portland, Maine to be with Lindsay and AJ!

  2. Tonight we went to Lindsay's High School for an International Night, she and her students had a table for to meet many of them! There was also a table for I am friends on facebook with the parent volunteer who put that table together...will post some pics :) Happy Travels... love you all :)
