Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Back in Tunis!

I got back in Tunis yesterday afternoon.  The flight was long (not any longer than normal but still, long).  I brought Zoe back with me and that went so smooth.  She did great, people were super helpful, and I had no one sitting next to me on any of the flights.  I was a nervous wreck the entire time because I wanted to be sure she was comfortable, felt safe, and healthy (she has a heart murmur the doctor had mentioned to watch out for).  Because of it being her first time flying, neither of us slept on the plane but we slept like babies last night!  She is actually sleeping right now as a I type.  It is good to be back to get back into routine and see friends I've missed (Cheryl picked me up at the airport- and Laura came to surprise me!).  I've also loved unpacking all the goodies I got for Christmas and also bought while I was in the states.  But being back comes with some hardness too... I miss my parents and brother dearly!  I saw my parents everyday and now I won't see them again until April (they are coming during Spring Break for a visit!) and it's hard!  While back home people kept talking about how wonderful Tunisia and my travels are from all the pictures.  My favorite parts of living here are my diverse classroom, my friends, and all the places I get to travel to.  But please know that living here come with hard times!  I miss my family, friends, and the comfort of home.  I feel out of place right now and like I don't belong. I have heard from many people that coming back from Christmas is hard (one friend told me she cried for a week after her first time back home).  So I am praying this is a phase that will soon ended.  Zoe is still adjusting (as am I to having her here). Tonight I went to walk her and one dog came at us but a man shooed the dog away..  what if that man wasn't there?  As I rounded the next corner, 4 dogs started barking at us.  Many people asked me if it was safe to live here and the one answer I always gave was yes!, expect for the wild dogs.  I am a dog person and love dogs but the dogs here scare me to pieces!  And more than anything I want to protect Zoe!!!  I am armed with a fishing pole (without the line or hook), mace, and a dog whistle.  But that doesn't stop me from being scared to pieces!  So please pray I can be brave and have faith when these dogs come around.  Tomorrow school starts back up and I think getting back into the routine will help!  Thanks for your prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. Love you Elise. You are a very brave and strong woman! I admire you so much! Know that we love you and we will be praying for you! I do not know the fear of being so much out of my comfort zone but I have faced more fears this past year than I ever thought possible. When I thought I couldn't possibly face another day...I prayed even harder. It will get better...stay strong in your faith and take it 1 day at a time. Love you girlie!!
