Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Painting Chevron and Monograms

Tonight, Brooke came up to join mom and I at Wine and Design to paint our monograms with chevron on a canvas. It was nice for me to get out with two of my favorite people! We drank wine, ate munchies, and painted. Once the painting started, the stress begun! We were all doing our best to not make a mistake and it was just a bit stressful. But I sure had fun when it was done! Mine was not perfect at all and it had lots of mistakes but after a while, I got tired of fixing it all. My favorite was before we started painting and after we finished painting. We were all less stress then! But hey, now I have a canvas with my monogram and chevron! What more could a girl want! ;)

Drinking wine beforehand (mom found these cups with wine in there already at Walgreens)

Let the painting begin!

Our finished products!

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