Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My dearest friends in Tunisia

I have been very blessed with some great friends who I can go to with anything, be real with, laugh about everything with, cry with, come to in a panic, and just enjoy spending time with them!  Below are my closest friends in Tunis!  I don't know what I would do without these people!

This is my family here that I truly feel a part of: The Basus: Michele, Roshan, Romen, Tito
I babysit for them whenever they need me and I love their two boys so much!  But more than anything, I feel like I am a part of their family!  I stay and chat with Michele and Tito after they get home when the boys are in bed.  I know that they would be there anytime I needed them and for that I am very grateful!

Joni is the one who is always willing to do anything with me!  She lives in Lac 2- her apartment building is across from mine.  She rides to school with me, we go to the market and Carrefour on the weekends, have sushi and movie nights on Fridays after a long week, and much more fun adventures (like Dougga).  She is so good with Zoe and that means the world to me! 

Oh Cheryl!  She is the one I can go to with anything and everything!  She is a great listener and gives the best advice.  She also lets me come to things on my own.  We are so real with each other and I truly appreciate her friendship.  She is also my Wednesday swimming buddy!   Her dog Zelda and my dog, Zoe are good friends and actually get along quite well!  I don't know what I would do without her!

Laura lives in the apartment building right near mine and her library (she's the librarian) is right across the hallway from my classroom!  Therefore we see each other a lot and go to each other with qualms, rants, funny stories, gossip, advice, tears, and just plain old friendship!  She is my go-to and real friend!  We have been friends since our first day in Tunis (plus we both turn 30 this year so we are growing "old" together! hehe!)!

Angie is our music teacher at school whose friendship I really cherish!  We are very similar in our humor and can be totally real with each other!  She does not judge but is honest.  We have so much fun together and can be totally silly together.  I appreciate how she will always share her true feelings with me no matter what hard times she is going through.  Angie's humor is my favorite!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentines day, sounds like you have lots of love in your life, enjoy every minute. Chapman sisters are thinking of you and wishing you the best. XOXO
