Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving with friends who are family

This year Thanksgiving was different than years past. I have had to get use to not being home and with family on Thanksgiving. But this year, I had to get use to something different. I had to go to work on Thanksgiving. Which I thought would be fine until the morning of when I am in tears on my way to work. It was not fine and I was not okay. I missed my family and it did not feel like Thanksgiving one bit. But I spent my day wishing all the other Americans a "Happy Thanksgiving" and for lunch that day, the cafeteria served a Thanksgiving lunch- turkey stuffed with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and pumpkin pin! It was really quite scrumptious! But as my dear friend kept reminding me, Thanksgiving was on Saturday. That is when we had our big feast with all of our friends! It is times like this I am grateful I have friends here who are like family where I can celebrate this wonderful holiday with them!

The night before Thanksgiving I went over to Karen's house to help make pies and stuffing. It was a lot of fun!

Pecan Pie

Pumpkin pie (we soon realized I forgot the can of evaporated milk)

Stuffing was a success!

These two are perfect buddies!

The day of Thanksgiving, I made homemade Mac n Cheese to take to Thanksgiving! It was simpler than I thought and oh so yummy!


Karen and her turkeys!

Baking in the kitchen with our American products (thanks to the "Taste of America" store in Barcelona)

How cute is this sweetie

So excited about the stuffing!

Beth mashing the potatoes

Catherine and Karen cutting the turkey

Too many cooks in the kitchen!

So thankful for canned cranberry jelly :)

We all stood in a circle and said what we were thankful for

My Thanksgiving meal!

Let the feast begin!

The kids' table

The table that turned into the men's table

Two lovely ladies tired at the end of a long but wonderful day

Happy Thanksgiving to friends near and far!

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