Friday, November 20, 2015

Making a Decision

So this a blog that is long overdo! I have written this 20 times in my head over the past 3 months but have told few people so here goes!

In August, we found out a lot of changes will be happening at my school for the 2016-2017 school year. This caused me to start pondering about moving earlier than I had planned and to start looking for a new job for the 16-17 school year (international schools hire super early!). For the past three months, my heart has been torn over whether to stay or whether to go and it has been the hardest decision I have ever had to make (well... make that second hardest... choosing which valve for my heart was the hardest). There were pros and cons to both with no clear sign. We had to tell our school by November 15th if we were staying or going for the following school year. So I finally decided that I would only apply to school in Sub-Saharan Africa and if I was offered a job before November 15th, then I would go. Otherwise, I would stay. I prayed and prayed for God to give me a sign on what to do (knowing that he does not have to give us signs and I may not get one). I also starting panicking and applying to schools all over (even after a dear and wise friend advised me to stick to my plan). Four days before I had to tell my school, I got an email from a school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia wanting to interview me. I was floored and over the moon! God had given me a sign! If I got this job, I would go. But if not, I would stay. Well the only thing was they could not interview me until 4 days after my school's deadline of Nov. 15. But my director gave me an extension so I could interview and then make my decision. So I interviewed. And I will be honest, it did not go well. I did not do well and I honestly believe it is because my heart was not into it. I did not realize this until I was interviewing. I was also not getting a good feeling from the school. So two days after my interview, I emailed my principal and director to tell them I would be staying at ACST! So after 3 months of turmoil, God gave me a sign and I will be teaching at ACST for the 16-17 school year! What a relief and I am looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead!

To those of you who prayed for me and listened to me as I tried to decide what to do, thank you! You mean the world to me!

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