Friday, October 9, 2015

Provence, France

Well this is embarressing... we took this trip two weeks ago and I haven't posted a single thing. I am so sorry! Let's see if I am make it up and catch up... We will see!

For a long weekend I had off of school, Aunt Jeanne and I hit the sky and headed to Southern France to explore the area of Provence! Aunt Jeanne has been before and loved it so she wanted me to see it too. I will admit, I was not sold because I have never had an itching to go to France- I went to Paris in high school and thought that was enough. But Aunt Jeanne kept talking about quaint towns which I love so I thought let's give it a try. I LOVED SOUTHERN FRANCE! No more judgement of French people- they are kind, try to speak English, don't judge my awful French, have a beautiful country, big hearts and have amazing food! So here goes... pictures from our first day in Provence!

View from the plane... breathtaking!

Aunt Jeanne spotted the sign to this museum on the way to our first stop and we had to stop! I am so glad we did! The Lavender Museum was my favorite thing we did! It was fascinating to me!

Fields of Lavendine at the museum

How they turn the plant into the pure liquid

After the awesome tour and great shopping of all things lavender, we went to this AMAZING restaurant- the best of our trip!

Oh this meal... steak tartare... Italian style! Seriously fabulous!

Aunt Jeanne's fabulous melon salad

Next stop... Roussillon! It is know for it ocre which is used to make different basis for paint.

Ocre is basically like red powdered clay (found all through NC!) but not wet... powder-like.

Here is all the paint that is made from ocre- too cool!

We walked through an ocre center- it was cool!

Just gorgeous views!

Loved the gorgeous ocre town!

Aunt Jeanne found this bowl in one of the gift shops... it was an obvious must for this monogram loving girl!

Once we had our fill of ocre, we headed to Arles- the place we were calling home for the next 5 days!

These are the windows into our apartment.

A great first day!

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