I am so sorry I have not blogger in almost two weeks!!! I really have no excuse except that not a lot has been going on to blog about. But I have been taking random pictures over the past week so I would have something to share with you. This weekend, I took more pictures so there will be more posts soon but here is some randomness for now.
Last Saturday, I tried out this grocery store that everyone says is much calmer than Carrefour so I had to try it out! And it was AMAZING!!! It was so quiet and I could go up and down each aisle without getting stressed out or hit by a cart! I haven't bee to Carrefour in two weeks thanks to this new grocery store! But since it was new to me, I got a little carried away and bought a lot! To load it all up in one trip, I have to put my purse in the elevator to keep the doors from closing. It too too funny not to share!

On Sunday I went to church and met Charles' wife (she has the hat on) and met two more of Virginnie's children. (Her son is in the black shirt- he speaks great English and his daughter is on the end). I really am starting to feel more comfortable there! Now if I can just figure out what they are saying! :)
On Monday, I got to babysit for 3 boys afterschool while their parents were at meetings! It met so much to me and I was really on cloud 9! We had fun playing with Legos and Play Doh!
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